Update to Noteholders – Virgin Australia Holdings Limited AU$325,000,000 8% unsecured notes due 26 November 2024 (ASX: VAHHA)
(ISIN: AU0000063455) (Listed Virgin AUD Notes)
Virgin Australia Holdings Limited ACN 100 686 226 and subsidiaries (all Administrators Appointed) (Virgin Australia Group)
Certane CT Pty Ltd was appointed Note Trustee (Note Trustee) for the Listed Virgin AUD Notes pursuant to the Unsecured Note Trust Deed dated 28 October 2019 (Trust Deed).
We refer to the Circular to Creditors dated 19 October 2023 issued by the Trustees of the Project Volar Creditors’ Trust (Creditor Trustee) distributed through the Deloitte Halo Platform and Computershare as Registrar of the Listed Virgin AUD Notes (Circular to Creditors).
The Circular to Creditors advised that the Creditor Trustee is now in a position to declare and pay a final dividend (Final Dividend) to Pool A Creditors on or around 14 December 2023 and further, that the quantum of the Final Dividend will be determined once all claims are adjudicated.
As set out on Page 7 of the Circular to Creditors and in accordance with the Trust Deed, the Creditor Trustee (Deloittes) will pay the Final Dividend to the Note Trustee, who will instruct Computershare (Registrar of the Listed AUD Notes) to make payment to Holders (Investors).
In relation to the VAHHA notes, the Creditor Trustee has made payment to the Note Trustee of $3,089,125. representing an dividend rate of 0.95 cents in the one dollar $.
At the request of the Note Trustee, Computershare will distribute the Final Dividend to Holders of the Listed Virgin AUD Notes in accordance with the register, which has been maintained by Computershare as Registrar, who was engaged by Virgin Australia Holdings Limited in 2019.
Computershare are expected to make payment of the Final Dividend to Holders of the Listed Virgin AUD Notes on Friday 22nd December 2023.
As previously advised and recommended by both the Creditor Trustee and Note Trustee, Holders of the Listed Virgin AUD Notes should check that their current contact and banking details are lodged with Computershare. You can update your details by contacting Computershare on (03) 9415 5000 or www-au.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry
If you have any queries, please contact the Note Trustee at: [email protected]
Yours faithfully,
Yvonne Kelaher
General Manager, Corporate Trust and Custody Services